Welcome Venue

Congress Venue

Graz is the capital of the province Styria and the second largest city of Austria. It is famous for its high quality of life and stands out as a vital business location and as a center of science, research and culture. At Graz Info and Graz Tourism you can get all the basic information and facts about our "Murtropolis" completed by writing service https://writing-service.org/ 

 The congress will take place at the Hotel Weitzer in the center of Graz:

Hotel Weitzer
Grieskai 12-14
A-8020 Graz
T +43316 703-0
F +43 316 703-88 (Guest Relations, Front Desk)
F +43 316 703-629 (Reservations)
E This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it  

You can download a description of way to Hotel Weitzer.
You can park in the "City Garage Weitzer", which is next to the hotel. There is a reduced fee for congress participants, please ask for it at  the reception.

Here you can download the City Map of Graz and the folder Sights and Attractions of Graz .