Welcome Instructions for Authors

Instructions for Authors

All authors of  lectures and posters shall submit a full paper, which will be published on a CDROM. These congress proceedings will be handed out at the congress to all participants. 

The congress contributions for AAAA-Congress 2007 in Graz have to be submitted via E-Mail to This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Submission of manuscripts will end August 31st 2007.

For authors of full papers it is absolutely necessary to observe the format guidelines for congress contributions. Please use the guidelines for Microsoft Word, which are available under Guidelines for Papers. If there are any problems, please contact us.

For presentation schedule see detailed program of Thursday and Friday.

Presentation Form for Contributions

The congress language is English. Contributions may be presented in frontal or interactive sessions, please consider the notification of acceptance for details.

Frontal Sessions

The duration of lectures is 15 minutes with a subsequent discussion of 5 minutes. A computer (operating system Windows, Power Point, Acrobat Reader) and a beamer are available for oral presentation in each congress room. Lecturers are requested to have their presentation(s) ready on CD-ROM or USB stick and to give it to a congress official or helper in order to transfer the data to the respective computer before the session begins (will happen during coffee break/lunch). The projection of slides is not possible.

Reproduction of audio-demonstrations is possible. These are to be registered via E-Mail to This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it until two weeks before the congress beginning at the latest.

Interactive Sessions

Interactive sessions will be hosted by a chairperson and held parallel to the frontal sessions. During the interactive sessions the authors will present their poster within 8 minutes time, with a subsequent discussion of two minutes. Pin boards for posters are provided by organization.

For more details see Guidelines for Posters .